CEC held regional seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution in Sheki

17 july 2024 17:25

In connection with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, election dispute resolution was discussed at the regional seminar in Sheki held with the organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC) on July 17, 2024.

Officials of the CEC Secretariat, in general, 51 representatives of lower election commissions - 3 experts from each of the 17 constituencies functioning in the north-western region of the country, surrounding cities and districts participated in the seminar.

The Head of the CEC Secretariat, Mr. Ilgar Alizadeh, opened the seminar and informed about the activities undertaken by the Commission related to the preparations for the Elections to the Milli Majlis. It was stated that the main purpose of conducting regional seminars is to increase the knowledge and practical skills of the members of the expert group of the Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) regarding the election procedures.

Then, Mr. Ilgar Alizadeh made a presentation on the topic "Requirements of the legislation on the investigation of appeals and complaints related to the violation of the election right and the principles of investigation of complaints." In the presentation using visual aids, the participants of the seminar were informed about the election law, filing of complaints related to the violation of electoral rights, subjects entitled to file a complaint, the subject of the complaint, the form and content of complaints submitted by citizens, the nature of complaints and appeals, investigation periods, sequence, evaluation of rules and evidence, the period of decision-making on the complaint, the next procedures after receiving the complaint and other issues were explained in detail.

Then Mr. Rafig Abbasov, Head of the Law Department of the CEC Secretariat presented on "Investigation of appeals related to elections by Con.ECs. Basics of activity of Expert Groups".

It was noted that investigation of appeals related to the elections by Con.ECs is a very important issue and carries great significance in ensuring the election right of citizens more effectively. Therefore, the members of the Con.EC Expert Groups shall thoroughly comply with the requirements of the legislation related the subject and adequately manage their duties.

In the practical part of the event, various examples of complaints on cases were reviewed and issues of making appropriate decisions on those complaints by the election commissions were considered.

At the end, the questions of the participants of the seminar were replied to.