CEC held regional seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution in Ganja

17 july 2024 17:20

In regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, regional seminar was held dedicated to election dispute resolution in Ganja city with the organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

CEC members - Mr. Fuad Javadov and Mr. Ilkin Shahbazov participated in the seminar.

Mr. Fuad Javadov informed about the requirements of the legislation related the investigation of appeals and complaints against the violation of the election right, as well as, the principles of investigation of complaints.

Mr. Ilkin Shahbazov who made speech later informed on the investigation of appeals by Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) and basics of activity of Expert Groups.

In the presentation using visual aids, the participants of the seminar were thoroughly informed about the subjects.

Following the speeches, the seminar continued with the practical workshop with different cases on the election legislation, appeals and complaints, as well as, activity of Expert Groups and the participants were involved in tests. During the event Expert Group members were distributed guidebooks compiled by CEC as a subsidiary method.

It was stated in the seminar that the main purpose of conducting regional seminars carried out as large-scale project is to increase the knowledge and practical skills of the members of the Expert Groups of the Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) regarding the election procedures.

According to the agenda, at the end of the event the discussions were held regarding the topics and questions interesting to the Con.EC experts were replied to.