Central Election Commission conducted the next session on January 18, 2024

18 january 2024 19:00

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the next session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on January 18, 2024. Firstly, the Commission’s session minute dated 13 January 2024 was approved.

Later, the applications submitted by registered candidates Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj and Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev, as well as, the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, the candidate of which has been registered, regarding the appointment of agents in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 were considered. The Commission registered the agents presented by the foregoing candidates and political party.

The Commission members and participants were informed at the session that one of the projects carried out within the frame of large-scale educational program for different election stakeholders implemented by CEC had ended. So that, regional seminar-conferences dedicated to further improvement of the police’ service activity in elections, which had been arranged and held successfully within the frame of the co-project of CEC with the Ministry of Interior Affairs had been conducted in Baku, Ganja, Shaki, Shirvan and Nakhchivan from January 9, 2024.

The project was finalized with the event held in Nakhchivan city on January 18, 2024. During the seminar-conferences arranged and held efficiently basing on inter-organizational close cooperation, CEC members, Secretariat employees and representatives of relevant bodies of the Ministry of Interior affairs informed in their presentations about the roles and duties of the police in the upcoming elections, as determined in the legislation.

The compositions of some Constituency Election Commissions were made changes and current issues were considered at the session attended by a representative of international observation mission, commission member with consultative voting right, an observer with specific permission and media representatives.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat