Seminar-conferences started regarding further improvement of service activity of the police in the Presidential Elections

09 january 2024 11:00

Subsequent and systematic large-scale activities are being carried out for the top-level arrangement and free, fair conduct of the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024, as well as, for the awareness-raising of the election stakeholders with different status.


The Central Election Commission (CEC) has started regional seminars from January 9, 2024 within the frame of the co-project with the Ministry of Interior Affairs. The participation of the chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) and representatives of police bodies is considered at the events dedicated to further improvement of service activity of the police officials in the Presidential elections.


The speeches will be made by the CEC members, employees of the Commission Secretariat and representatives of the relevant organizations of the Ministry of Interior affairs regarding different topics on the roles and duties of the police in the processes of the preparation and conduct of the Presidential elections, presentations and discussions will be held during the seminar-conferences.

The first seminar-conference is conducted in Baku on January 9, 2024. The educational activities in the next stage will be held in Ganja on January 12, in Shaki on January 14, in Shirvan on January 16 and in Nakhchivan on January 18, 2024.


Let’s remind that the “Guide for Police Officials” has been compiled jointly with CEC and the Ministry of Interior Affairs, thereby distributed on destination with the aim of further improving service activity and awareness-raising of the police in the upcoming elections.


Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat