On February 5, Central Election Commission conducted a meeting under the chairmanship of Mazahir Panahov

05 february 2009 16:37
On February 5, Central Election Commission conducted a meeting under the chairmanship of Mazahir Panahov.

At the beginning, the CEC member Natig Mammadov informed about registration of referendum campaign group "Vetendesh jemiyyeti”. It was noted that the working group established within the CEC checked the submitted signature sheets and other necessary documents and defined grounds for registration the same group.
The Commission made a decision to register the mentioned campaign group. The referendum initiative group "Azad soz” was refused of beign registered as a referendum campaign group.
Thus, the number of referendum initiative groups registered as the referendum campaign groups reached 5. Totally, fourteen referendum initiative groups applied to Central Election Commission for signature sheets. Thirteen of these groups submitted signature sheets to Central Election Commission in periods defined by legislation.
One of the initiative groups "Demokratik Azerbaijan Dunyasi” announced about its support of a referendum campaign group "Yeni Azerbaijan” and returned the signature sheets to the Commission. 125 initiative groups applied for signature sheets to Constituency Election Commissions and 124 of these groups were registered, one was refused of registration.

Then, the appeals submitted to CEC were considered and it it was decided not to satisfy them due to lack of grounds.

Other current issues were considered at the meeting.
The representatives of OSCE office in Baku, the US embassy, IRI, IFES as well as media representatives participated at the meeting of Central Election Commission.