Statement of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan

05 february 2020 16:22

of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan

More than one million Azerbaijani became internally displaced persons as a result of ethnic cleansingpolicyof Armenia by occupyingKarabakh region and the surrounding seven regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Armenian community of the NagornoKarabakh, who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been deprived of their election rights, along with other constitutional rights following the Armenian occupation. Armenia has made efforts many times to create artificial election show in those areas. As the basis for holding elections in the territories of Azerbaijan is established by the Constitution and Election Code of Azerbaijan, these "elections” are illegitimate and not recognized by international community.

7 election constituencies fully and one part of 3 election constituencies of 125 Constituency Election Commissions are under occupation after the military invasion by Armenia. Meanwhile, there are also polling stations for IDPs in other 4 election constituencies. 523 polling stations were established and like other polling stations functioning in the country, those polling stations have also been made ready fully for the E-Day for the internally displaced citizens forcibly expelled from their native lands to exercise their constitutional rights in the Elections to the MilliMajlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 9, 2020. Although the dispersionof the internally displaced citizens to all the regions of the country make the arrangement of the voting difficult, such kind of voters have also been fully facilitated to enjoy their voting rights as a result of efforts and hard working.

Emphasizing on the guarantee of election rights of the Azerbaijan citizens who were expelled from their native lands at the result of Armenian invasion in the elections and referenda conducted in the country so far and lack of discrimination among citizens due to nationality, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan states that Azerbaijan citizens of Armenian origin of NagornoKarabakh region of Azerbaijan are entitled to exercise their voting rights freely and independently in these elections like all other citizens and the Republic of Azerbaijan is ready to put all steps implied in the legislation.

Baku, February 5, 2020