Survey on technical supervision centre on webcams at CEC

04 february 2020 22:56

On February 4, 2020, Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission and Mr. Ramin Guluzadeh, Minister of Transport, Communication and High Technologies examined technical supervision centre on webcams at the Commission premises and got familiarized with the final preparation works in connection with the installation of webcams. It was informed that all elections held in the country so far have been featured by close participation of many institutes of transparency, specially, domestic and international observers, local and foreign mass media representatives.

Alongside with all other means to ensure transparency in the elections held in the country in compliance with international standards, the latest improvements of information and communication technologies are successfully applied, thereby allowing to monitor the E-day processes from the beginning till the end incessantly, observing freely and independently and ensuring transparency further. Azerbaijan could be an example for broad and inclusive opportunities for the free activity of observers.

Ensuring transparency has always been focused on by utilizing different methods and aids in these Parliamentary elections, too, which is an important event in the public and political life of the country. The experience of using webcams for already more than 12 years in Azerbaijan which allows monitoring the voting process through internet lively without visiting the polling station are planned to be continued also in the current Parliamentary Elections. The installation, regulation and other technical parameters of webcams are always focused on to guarantee their effective and incessant broadcasting access via the webcams which have been installed in 1000 polling stations to observe directly processes in full capacity in the election precincts on E-Day – on February 9, 2020. Internet users will be facilitated to observe the voting process, vote counting and determination of the results on the voting day either in the country or abroad through the CEC official website without any requirement of registration directly and continuously.