Seminars on election dispute resolution started

18 january 2020 11:18
Different large-scale activities aiming at the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections, as well as raising awareness of different election stakeholders are being carried out in regard with the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 9, 2020.

In the light of the CEC educational program, the following project started since January 18, 2020. Simultaneously, regional seminars held in Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Nakhchivan, Shaki and Masalli on the same day were dedicated to the election dispute resolution.

The event of large-scale project on the country held in Baku Park Inn Hotel was attended by the members of Expert Group under CEC, employees of the relevant structural departments of the Secretariat, as well as, 96 experts responsible to investigate the appeals and complaints of 32 Con.ECs on the region.

During the seminar the presentations by the CEC members and Secretariat officials on the requirements of legislation on the election dispute resolution, principles of investigating complaints, the investigation of the election-related appeals by Con.ECs and the basis of the activity of Expert Groups were heard, detailed information was provided on the topics of the presentations by using visual aids.

The issues encountered during the appeals of the stakeholders who claimed on the violation of election rights, the classification of appeals and complaints, the sequence of the activities implemented by Expert Group members, adoption and compilation of decisions, as well as, other issues were clarified thoroughly at the end of the event.

During the practical part of the seminar different samples of appeals and complaints were reviewed on casus, the issues on the adoption of decisions on those complaints by the relevant election commissions were considered, discussions of different topics were held and the questions interesting to the participants were clarified.

It should be noted that the seminars carried out within the large-scale education program targeted the improvement of skills and professional abilities, also to increase the awareness-raising of the members of the Expert Group functioning under Con.ECs  to investigate the complaints filed against the actions (inactions) and decisions that violate citizens’ election rights in the Elections to the Milli Majlis.

Regional seminars arranged in Baku, also in Ganja, Sumgayit, Shaki and Masalli covered generally, 375 members of Con.EC Expert Groups of 125 Con.ECs.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat