Information session on the "Broadcasting of elections in media" was conducted in Baku

16 january 2020 21:35

On January 16, 2020, information session on the "Broadcast of elections in media” was organized in Baku jointly by the Council of Europe with the Central Election Commission.

The event was held within the frame of the project of the Council of Europe "Encouragement of gender equality and other ethical standards in the media of Azerbaijan”. The main goal was the awareness-raising on the standards of the Council of Europe in the field of broadcasting elections by focusing on gender equality of journalists in the eve of the Parliamentary Elections to be held in Azerbaijan on February 9, 2020. The event was attended by nearly 60 media representatives, as well as, the representatives of state bodies and diplomatic missions, international and local experts.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman made speech at the session and informed that compared to previous parliamentary elections
a huge number of candidates to deputy have been registered so far in the Elections to the Milli Majlis to be held on February 9, 2020. As to the information of January 15, 2020, 1534 candidates to deputy were registered.

CEC Chairman stated that mass media participated in the election process actively. That is the clear demonstration of the political will of the Azerbaijan state in the conduct of transparent and democratic elections. Elections should be open to mass media. Mass media must play an important role in that process, because the most important duty is the role of media in publicizing an essential event in every country. And CEC has always focused on cooperation with media. We should do our best for international media representatives along with local media to take an active part in broadcasting our activities.

Mrs. Seadet Yusifova, Deputy Head of Department for Work and Communication with Non-governmental organizations stated that the year of 2019 would be remembered as a year of fundamental reforms in Azerbaijan. She also underlined on the implementation of reforms by President Ilham Aliyev regularly in the country. She noted that recent reforms differed from previous ones as to their quality and quantity. The reforms are so large-scale that they would effect on all institutions of the society.

The official of the Presidential Administration stated that the Parliamentary Elections to be held on February 9, 2020 was directed to the formation of more flexible and professional deputy team. As the parliamentary elections is inevitable process, all political parties, civil society groups are becoming more active and the media is a component part of that.

Mrs. Seadet Yusifova informed that nearly 40 media outlets had been accredited to hold pre-election campaign and great role is undertaken by mass media during elections.She also added that media representatives should broadcast the process fairly and provide candidates with equal opportunities. "We believe that these Parliamentary elections will be remembered with its contribution to the election practice and media traditions in Azerbaijan”, - the official of the Presidential Administration stated.

Mr. Zoltan Hernyes, Head of Baku office of the Council of Europe informed that media plays an important role in the conduct of free and democratic elections. The Council of Europe provided recommendations to member states related to broadcast of elections. Those recommendations mainly concerned the role of media. Massmedia must participate actively in that process during pre-election, election and post-election period.

Mr. Zoltan Hernyes emphasized on gender equality that was one of the important issues during elections and stated that gender equality had always been a topic of discussion. The guarantee of gender equality is very important.

Mr. Nushirevan Maharramov, Chair of National TV and Radio Council stated that the role of media in the election process shall be regulated by legislation. He spoke about the activities to be implemented by TV and radio channels during pre-election campaign. He also informed that private TV and radio channels cannot participate in the campaign in Azerbaijan. TV implements pre-election campaign on free and payable basis. Payable airtime should be twice more than free airtime. Sometimes the prices are claimed to be high. Minimum 22 manats and maximum 65 manats for a second of the payable airtime defined by the Public TV is normal and accounted in accordance with the current advertisement terms.

Mr. Aflatun Amashov, Chair of Press Council informed that the Council would build its activity in several fields on the voting day. The hotline of the Council will function. The information received by the "Hotline” will be transferred first to the Central Election Commission. The problems informed to the "hotline” in previous years were settled down and we believe they will be resolved in these elections, too. The members of the Press Council will participate in the monitoring of elections also in regions.

Later, Mr. Gabil Orujov, CEC member made speech on the topic "Broadcasting of elections in media: Legislation and experience of Azerbaijan”.

During the event speeches were heard on the topics "Standards of the Council of Europe for broadcasting of elections in media”, "Legislation and experience of Azerbaijan on broadcasting of elections in media” and "Broadcasting of elections in media in the context of gender equality”.

The information session was continued with the discussions.