Central Election Commission started trainings for lower election commissions

20 november 2019 12:00

Regarding the Municipal Elections to be held on December 23, 2019, large-scale projects for different election stakeholders are being carried out within the educational program of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

Since November 20, 2019 the next project – trainings for the members of lower election commissions have been started. The project which was founded together with different international organizations in 2002 and had been improved year by year from 2008 is implemented in all elections and play an important role in improving the professional skills of the members of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions (Con.ECs and PECs).

A project of trainings with two stages had been prepared in regard with the upcoming Municipal Elections. The first stage started with the introductory speech of Rovzat Gasimov, CEC Deputy Chairman on November 20 is scheduled to last for four days. During the "Trainings for Trainers” held in practical form by CEC Training Group by using different methodical and visual aids, generally, 230 local trainers including two representatives from each Con.EC are provided with clarified and detailed information on all E-day procedures including preparing polling stations for the voting, voting process, exceptional cases on E-day, vote counting and filling out the official protocols on the voting results.

E-day procedures, election actions and exceptional cases might to happen are played in roles visually for the participants by the specialists of CEC Training Group, discussions are held and the questions interesting to them are replied to during the practical workshops of the trainings as in accordance with the agenda.

The second stage of the trainings covering PEC members will start on November 25 and last for nearly, a week according to the number of PECs on election constituencies. With the aim of increasing efficiency further, the trainings for PEC members are scheduled to be held in the form of small groups – with the participation of 36 commission members in each training session basing on the table compiled by CEC Training Group.

During the trainings each member of lower election commissions will be submitted "E-Day Guide” compiled by CEC, sample of voting results protocol and many other necessary materials to get familiarised with and to use them in the trainings.

Trainings that are large-scale educational project implemented by CEC cover nearly
30000 members of the polling stations where the Municipal Elections are held.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat