Seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution held in Baku

04 november 2019 15:58

Regarding the Municipal Elections, appointed to December 23, 2019, the Central Election Commission is carrying out large-scale projects subsequently and systematically with the aim of awareness-raising of different election stakeholders.

A seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution was held with the organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC)inPark Inn Hotel in Baku on November 4, 2019.The event aiming at raising awareness and further increasing practical skills of the members of the Expert Group of Con.ECs to investigate the complaints on the actions (inactions) and decisions violating citizens’ election rights was attended bythe CEC members, the authorized representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the European Court of Human Rights, members of the Expert Group under CEC and representatives of the CEC Secretariat.

By his opening speech at the seminar, RovzatGasimov, CEC Deputy Chairman stated that there was an ideal election system nowhere in the world, as millions of people participated in elections. The main goal undertaken by us should be the selection of target as a model of completeness.The demand of democracy required from us today is the same with the countries with democracy and experience obtained for hundreds of years. RovzatGasimov informed thatCEC had carried out many purposeful projects in accordance with the approved plan of activities. The events on election dispute resolution were held in Ganja, Shaki and Masalli. The seminar in Baku is the final activity of the project. During the seminars detailed presentations were made for the members of the Expert Groups functioning at the Con.ECs regarding the investigation of citizens’ appeals. CEC Deputy Chairman stated that one of the most important issues in the election process was the investigation of citizens’ appeals and complaints.

ChingizAsgarov, authorized representative
of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the European Court of Human Rights noted that that event served further improvement of the election practice in the country. The issues of fulfilling the commitments undertaken by the states are regularly discussed and decisions are adopted at the sessions of the Committee of Ministers of the European Council implementing the control on the execution of the decisions by the European Court of Human Rights. The Committee of Ministers also discusses the execution of the decisions of the European Court on the protection of election rights regarding Azerbaijan. During these discussions the information, reports and decisions on all elections held in the country are taken into account. Therefore, upon holding every election effectively in Azerbaijan, we must demonstrate to the international community our devotedness to human rights and liberties and democratic values.

Later, the reports of BakhsheyishAsgarov and RamizIbrahimov,CEC members and members of Expert Group under the Commission were heard about different topics on the violation of citizens’ election rights and presentations were made.

During the practical phase of the seminar samples of different type of appeals and complaints on topics were reviewed and the covered issues were clarified thoroughly and visually.

Let’s remind that the regional seminars dedicated to election dispute resolution were held with the organization of CEC in Ganja on October 29, in Shaki on October 31 and in Masalli on November 2, 2019.