Seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution held in Masalli

02 november 2019 17:19

A large-scale project dedicated to election dispute resolution started from October 29, 2019 with the organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC) is still being continued.

The next seminar was arranged at "ASAN Life” residence in Masalli city on November 2, 2019.

It should be noted that like other centres of our national brand "ASAN service” which made our country famous to the whole world, inclusive conditions in Masalli "ASAN Life” residence equipped with the latest information and communication technologies of modern standards facilitated high-level preparation and conduct of the seminar.

The event was attended by members of 60 Expert Groups from 20 Con.ECs - SalyanCon.EC # 59, Salyan-NeftchalaCon.EC # 60, NeftchalaCon.EC # 61, BilasuvarCon.EC # 66, JalilabadcityCon.EC # 67, Jalilabadvillage Con.EC # 68, Jalilabad-Masalli-BilasuvarCon.EC # 69, Masallicity Con.EC # 70, Masallivillage Con.EC # 71, Yardimli-MasalliCon.EC # 72, Lankarancity Con.EC # 73, Lankaranvillage Con.EC # 74, Lankaran-MasalliCon.EC # 75, Lankaran-AstaraCon.EC # 76, AstaraCon.EC # 77, LerikCon.EC # 78, ImishliCon.EC # 79, Imishli-BeylaganCon.EC # 80, BeylaganCon.EC # 81 andFuzuliCon.EC # 84.

IlhamMammadov, CEC member who reported at the seminar informed that by the CEC decision the Municipal Elections will be held in Azerbaijan on December 23, 2019. A range of activities are being conducted by CEC regarding the elections. The regional seminars organized for the Expert Groups of Con.ECs were dedicated to election dispute resolution.

Emphasizing on great importance of the event, I.Mammadovinformed that the accuracy and genuineness of the decisions adopted while investigating the appeals could prevent some actions and inactions. It was stated that the goal of conducting regional seminars was raising awareness and increasing practical skills of the members of the Expert Group of Con.ECs.

CEC member GabilOrujovpresented on "Legal requirements for the investigation of the election-related appeals and basis of examining complaints”.

Emphasizing on the importance of strict abidance by legal requirements during the investigation of the complaints on the violation of the election right, G.Orujov stated that in that process the Constitution and Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Instruction " On the filing of appeals and complaints on the violation of the election right to the Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commissions and their consideration by these commissions”, Decisions (civil law) by the European Convention of Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights and provisions in the Code of Good Practices adopted by the Venice Commission were essential in the field of electoral issues.

CEC member IlhamMammadovpresented on "Investigation of the election-related appeals by Con.ECsand basis of the activity of Expert Groups”.He informed that election dispute resolution by Con.ECs played an important role in the guarantee of of citizens’ election rights more effectively.

During the practical phase of the seminar samples of different type of appeals and complaints on topics were reviewed and adoption of relevant decisions on those complaints by the election commissions were considered.

The questions interesting to the participants were replied to at the end of the seminar.