Central Election Commission held a broad seminar for the chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions

11 october 2019 18:46

The Central Election Commission (CEC) started the first educational project in the current year in accordance with the "National Activity Program for the increase of efficiency of protecting human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 27, 2011.

A broad seminar was held for the chairpersons of 125
Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) on the country at the CEC premises on October 11, 2019 within the first stage of a large-scale project that cover the whole republic aiming at the improvement of professional skills and knowledge of lower election commission members.

the introductory speech CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov emphasized on important improvements of independent Azerbaijan in the field of elections like other spheres during the seminar. He noted that the election experience of Azerbaijan could be taken as an example. From the middle of 1990 political tranquillity had been acquired in the country which is the main condition to conduct fair and transparent elections.

Chairman stated that despite certain efforts to interfere in the election process during different periods, those efforts were prevented at the result of the stand of the head of our state and the conduct of transparent elections was success. CEC c
ooperates with different state bodies, thereby forming a base for the conduct of transparent elections. Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) are provided with effective working conditions in all regions. The representatives of international organizations will be invited to monitor the voting process in the Municipal Elections to be held in Azerbaijan on December 27, 2019. The number of international observers is fewer in Municipal Elections. The representatives of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will be invited to these elections.

"I don’t think there will be any problem from the side of observers. We will do our best to have many international observers, because we are interested in the participation of international observers in the elections. CEC is finalising the preparation works for the elections. We are going to announce the elections officially in these days”,- Mazahir Panahov highlighted.

During the seminar Zeynal Naghdaliyev, Assistant to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Territorial and Organizational Issues- Head of Department made speech that nowadays the professionalism of the persons who manage the elections in Azerbaijan is very improved. This fact is also found in the reports of foreign observers who monitored the elections.

Zeynal Naghdaliyev stated that the elections held in the latest period seriously differ from the previous elections as the result of continuous efforts of President Ilham Aliyev. Political tranquillity in the country facilitates conduct of transparent elections. Four Municipal Elections had been held in Azerbaijan. Now the fifth elections are approaching.

Assistant to President stated: "Interest of citizens in local management bodies is rising day by day. The number of the educated candidates in the elections is increasing. Surely, the next Municipal Elections will also be held transparently and legitimately. The shortcomings will be eliminated timely. The conduct of campaign properly has been fully facilitated in the country. The election system has been improved in Azerbaijan and people are more interested in elections. The comments of the observers monitoring elections are decreasing, thereby proving that the election system is being developed fast. The reason to all these are political tranquillity existing in the country and President Ilham Aliyev’s
reputation. The election system in Azerbaijan is an example to the world. People value this condition and take an active part in the elections.”

Arif Rahimzadeh, Chair of the Committee on Regional Issues of the Milli Majlis noted that the legal framework of municipalities is almost completed. The problems encountered in the activity of municipalities are settled. Municipalities have passed a long way within short time period. Every citizen must take part in the activity of municipalities. But however, the issue on collection of municipal payments is not satisfying. The Azerbaijan state puts practical steps for preventing this problem.

Rustam Usubov, First Deputy of Prosecutor’s General made speech that the Municipal Elections is a very important eventin the country. Each of us must take part in the process. Transparent elections are the indicator of democracy in the country.

Rustam Usubov stated that the status of municipalities has been made serious amendments and provided additional status in recent years,which contributes to the work of municipalities. The prosecutor offices focus on the election process very seriously. The Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan cooperates with CEC closely in this field. The complaints filed are investigated thoroughly and the issue is examined seriously. "As usual, we must defend the legislation. Surely, we will also conduct these elections on high-level. The path of prospect and development passes through the democratic elections. As an important political event, elections are the main indicator of democracy and legal expression of people’s will. The persons interfering in the election process will be exposed to liability as in compliance with the Criminal Code and Code of Administrative Offences”, - First Deputy Prosecutor’s General informed.

Oruj Zalov, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs noted that the structures of internal affairs are firmly preparing for the upcoming Municipal Elections. He also stated that the structures of internal affairs carry responsibility for the conduct of the elections in tranquillity. The structures of internal affairs will also work in close partnership with the local executive authorities to raise the watchfulness of the personnel and to eliminate the problems encountered during these elections. Ensuring security of campaign groups will also be focused by the structures of internal affairs. Today during the period of modern technologies there are those who want toimpede the elections held democratically and openly. Any effort directed to break stability will be prevented firmly.

Deputy Minister informed that fulfilment of the duties fully and honestly undertaken by the structures of internal affairs for the conduct of elections plays an important role. The Ministry of Internal Affairs considered all necessary measures and started the compilation of Plan of Activities to organize trustworthy protection of public order which is one of the basic elements to implement important national events securely in compliance with the legal requirements and for citizens to express their will freely and independently.

Azer Jafarov, Deputy Minister of Justice stated that practical steps are put for ensuring the activity of local self-management bodies – municipalities. Important activities have been determined to increase the potential of municipalities within a number of State Programs implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. The Ministry of Justice regularly implements works on abiding by legislation in the activity of municipalities. The case on 156 municipality members has been sent to the prosecutor’s offices for investigation. Every Azerbaijan citizen must make efforts for the conduct of elections more fairly and transparently. One of the most important duties undertaken by judiciary bodies during elections concerns ensuring exercise of election right of the citizens in penitentiary isolations. The prisoned do not have election right in many countries. This right is guaranteed under some conditions in some countries. But in Azerbaijan all the prisoned citizens having election right can vote for their candidates independently.

Iman Naghiyev, Chair of Baku Court of Appeal and Khagani Mammadov, Judge of Supreme Court provided detailed information on the election process, encountered problems and effective and fair investigation of the case.

Rovzat Gasimov, Head of the CEC Secretariat, Farid Orujov, Head of the Information Centre and Elshan Asgarov, Headof General Department of the Secretariat made presentations on different topics regarding elections and replied to the questions interesting the participants thoroughly.

The second stage of the large-scale project aiming at awareness-raising of lower election commission members with regard to Municipal Elections which is going to be held as professional courses on election right will encompass the secretaries and members of all Con.ECs and chairpersons of PECs. During this stage the CEC representatives, Con.EC chairpersons, local executive authorities in regions, the incumbents of the bodies of judiciary, prosecutor’s offices and police will make speech before the lower election commission members and hold discussions on different topics regarding elections. 

In general, the large-scale project that cover more than 6000 election officials will facilitate members of lower election commissions to acquire detailed information on the election process.