The Central Election Commission conducted a session on September 13, 2019

13 september 2019 17:57

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 13, 2019. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated May 29, 2019 was approved.

Later, the issue on making amendments to some normative legal documents adopted by CEC was considered and the relevant amendments were approved.

During the session making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) was also discussed. By the decision of the Commission, the structures of Nakhchivan city Con.EC # 4, Yasamal second Con.EC # 16, Sabunchu first Con.EC # 26, Nizami first (Ganja) Con.EC # 37, Kapaz second (Ganja) Con.EC # 40, Masalli village Con.EC # 71, Imishli-Beylagan Con.EC # 80, Aghjabedi-Fuzuli Con.EC # 83, Barda city Con.EC # 93 and Aghstafa Con.EC # 108 were made changes.

Current issues were also considered at the session attended by the mass media representatives.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat