General instructions

on the rules for the establishment of Constituency Election Commission

Regulation of Constituency Election Commissions

Regulation on Secretariat of the Constituency Election Commission

Regulation on the control-inspection service of the Constituency election commission

on the rules for the establishment of Precinct Election Commission

Regulation of Precinct Election Commission

on the rules for conduct of first meeting of constituency and precinct election commissions

on rules for providing members of constituency and precinct election commissions with salary

Regulation on the control-inspection service of the Central Election Commission

on the rules for the usage of the State Automated Information System during elections (referendum)

on the working rules with voters lists of election commissions

Regulation for the working group established for checking the accuracy of the information in the signature sheets and other election documents submitted to election commissions

on the status of the authorized representatives of the candidate, political parties, blocs of political party and referendum campaign groups in elections (referendum) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on the status of the agents in elections (referendum) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on rules for activity of international (foreign) observers in elections (referendum) in the Republic of Azerbaijan

on rules for local observation in elections (referendum) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on status of members of election (referendum) commissions with consultative rights

for the distribution (deliverance) of notifications on time and place of the voting to citizens in elections (referendum) conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan

on rules for filing complaints and appeals on violation of election rights and their handling by the precinct election commissions

on rules for submission and examination of complaints and appeals on the violation of election rights filed to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Constituency Election Commissions

Regulation on the Press Group formed under the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to control the observance of the rules for the conduct of pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign in mass media

on the rules for the preparation and submission of ballot papers (ballot papers on referenda), voting protocols of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions (Con.ECs and PECs), de-registration cards for voting to relevant election commissions in Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on the rules for issuance of de-registration (voting) cards for voting in elections (referendum) in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Rules for the accreditation of the organizations conducting "exit-poll" in elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on receiving and reviewing protocols and accompanying materials from Precinct Election Commissions, and approved procedure for entry of data from protocols to the ConEC computers for electronic transmission to the Central Election Commission using the State Automated Information System

Rules on installation and use of web cameras in election precincts

on the rules for the preservation of official documents regarding the conduct of elections (referendum) in the Republic of Azerbaijan

on the rules for the registration of political party blocs

on the rules for marking voters' thumbs with invisible ink on the voting day

on organizing the Presidential elections and referendum of the Republic of Azerbaijan outside the borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan

on organization of elections in ships sailing under the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan, oil and gas platforms located in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes and detention institutions during elections (referendum)

on participation of stateless persons and foreigners in elections (referendum)

Comment on the rules for voters' early voting

List of ID documents used on the voting day in elections (referendum)

on the participation of military servants in elections (referendum)

Rules for submitting information on the amount and source of income and property of the candidate in elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan