Decision 39/222 - on the consideration of the appeal # 20 dated November 9, 2013 by Khagani Asadulla Mammad, member with consultative right at Tartar Con.EC # 95 by Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan of October 9, 2013
Decision 39/221 - on making amendments in the structure of Khazar Constituency Election Commission # 14
Decision 39/220 - on termination of authorities of Ali Javad oghlu Ahmadov, deputy of the fourth call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 39/219 - on the approval of the session minutes dated October 16 and 17, 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 38/218 - on the approval of CEC protocol on Presidential Election results of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted on October 9, 2013 and its submission to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan for approving electoral returns
Decision 37/217 - on the consideration of the appeal #18 dated 14 October 2013 by Mustafa Mustafa oghlu Hajili, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 37/216 - on the consideration of the appeal #18 dated 14 October 2013 by Mustafa Mustafa oghlu Hajili, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 37/215 - on the approval of the session minute dated October 13, 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 36/214 - on the consideration of the appeal #17 dated 12 October 2013 by Subatay Khidir oghlu Guluzadeh, observer at PEC # 10 of Goygol-Dashkasan Con.EC # 101 in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 36/213 - on the consideration of the appeal #16 dated 12 October 2013 by Gulagha Aslanli, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 36/212 - on the approval of the session minute dated October 7, 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 35/211 - on the consideration of the appeal #15 dated 05 October 2013 by Mustafa Mustafa oghlu Hajili, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 35/210 - on the cancel of registration of Asef Ali oghlu Guliyev, authorized representative of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in the Presidential Elections on October 9, 2013
Decision 35/209 - on the registration of the agent of Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 35/208 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 35/207 - on the registration of the authorized representatives of Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 35/206 - on the approval of the session minute dated October 3, 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 34/205 - on the consideration of the appeal #13 dated 02 October 2013 by Aliyev Rufat Idris oghlu, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/204 - on the consideration of the appeal #12 dated 01 October 2013 by Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/203 - on the consideration of the appeal #14 dated 02 October 2013 by Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/202 - on the cancel of registration of Mehriban Heydarali gizi Zeynalova, agent of Azerbaijan Hope Party the candidate of which has been registered in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/201 - on the registration of the agents of Adalet (Justice) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/200 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/199 - on the installation of web cameras in the polling stations for ensuring transparency further in the voting process during the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 34/198 - on the approval of the session minutes dated 27 September and 29 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 33/197 - on the consideration of the appeal #11 dated 27 September 2013 by Gulagha Aslanli, authorized representative of Jamil Hasanli, registered candidate in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 33/196 - on the consideration of the appeal #09 dated 27 September 2013 by Bayram Abbasov, authorized representative of National Renaissance Movement Party, the candidate of which has been registered to presidency in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 33/195 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 33/194 - on the registration of the agents of National Revival Movement Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 33/193 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 33/192 - on the registration of the authorized representatives of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/191 - on the consideration of the appeal #08 dated 26 September 2013 by Elman Volodya oghlu Fattah, authorized representative of registered candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/190 - on the consideration of the appeal #06 dated 25 September 2013 by Taleh Aliyev, authorized representative of Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party, the candidate of which has been registered to presidency in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/189 - on the consideration of the appeal #10 dated 27 September 2013 by Gulagha Aslanli, authorized representative of registered candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/188 - on the registration of the agents of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/187 - on the registration of the authorized representatives of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 32/186 - on the registration of "Constitution" Research Fund to conduct "exit-poll" in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to October 9, 2013
Decision 32/185 - on the registration of "Prognosis" Independent Sociological Research Center to conduct "exit-poll" in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to October 9, 2013
Decision 32/184 - on the registration of "Rey" (Opinion) Monitoring Center to conduct "exit-poll" in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to October 9, 2013
Decision 32/183 - on the approval of the session minute dated 25 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 31/182 - on the consideration of the appeals 05 dated 23 September 2013 by Gulagha Aslanli, authorized representative of registered candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 31/181 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 31/180 - on the registration of the agents of Adalet (Justice) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 31/179 - on the refusal from registration of "Legal Education of Sumgayit Youth" Public Union to conduct "exit-poll" in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 31/178 - on the registration of "ELS" Independent Investigations Center to conduct "exit-poll" in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to October 9, 2013
Decision 31/177 - on the approval of the session minute dated 21 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 30/176 - on the consideration of the appeals 01 and 02 dated 20 September 2013 by authorized representative of New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov, appeal 03 dated 20 September 2013 by Public TV and Radio Broadcasting Company and appeal 04 dated 20 September 2013 by registered candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 30/175 - on the cancel of registration of Hasan Sabir oghlu Shikhaliyev, authorized representative of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in the Presidential Elections on October 9, 2013
Decision 30/174 - on the registration of the authorized representatives of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 30/173 - on the approval of the appointment of Mansum Ibrahim oghlu Bayramov as a member with consultative right appointed by registered candidate to Presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli as the member with consultative right
Decision 30/172 - of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval of the session minute dated 19 September 2013
Decision 29/171 - on temporary appointment of Jeyhun Bahlul oghlu Ibrahimov, member of Gadabay Con.EC 103
Decision 29/170 - on making amendments in the structure of Jalilabad city Constituency Election Commission 67
Decision 29/169 - on the registration of the agents of Justice Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/168 - on the registration of the agents of registered candidate Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/167 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/166 - on the registration of the agents of Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/165 - on the registration of the agents of United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/164 - on the registration of the authorized representative of registered candidate Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/163 - on the registration of the authorized representative Modern Musavat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/162 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives of National Renaissance Movement Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/161 - on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Nizami Kamil oghlu Mammadzade as a member with consultative right appointed by Azerbaijan Democrat Party, the candidate of which has been registered, as the member with consultative right at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/160 - on the approval of the appointment of Nushabe Mammad Mubariz gizi Alizade as a member with consultative right appointed by Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party, the candidate of which has been registered, as the member with consultative right at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 29/159 - on the approval of the session minutes dated 13 September and 16 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 28/158 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives of Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 28/157 - on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Ruslan Teymur oghlu Mursalov a member with consultative right appointed by Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party, the candidate of which has been registered, as the member with consultative right at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 28/156 - on the approval of the session minute dated 12 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 27/155 - on the establishment of lottery commission for the distribution of free airtime, determination of the lottery date and publication of airtime schedule in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 27/154 - on the verification of Niyameddin Ordukhan oghlu Ordukhanov as a member having consultative right at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed by the United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party the candidate of which has been registered in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 27/153 - on the registration of Mr. Sardar Jalal oghlu Mammadov nominated by Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 27/152 - on the refusal from the registration of the candidacy of Mr. Ilgar Eldar oghlu Mammadov nominated by his own initiative in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 27/151 - on the refusal from the registration of the candidacy of Mr. Ali Nadir oghlu Aliyev nominated by Citizen and Development Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 27/150 - on the approval of the session minute dated 11 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 26/149 - on the registration of Mr. Ilyas Abbas oghlu Ismayilov nominated by the Adalet (Justice) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 26/148 - on the refusal from the registration of the candidacy of Mr. Ahmad Abdul oghlu Orujov in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 26/147 - on the registration of Mr. Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli nominated by the "National Council of Democratic Forces" voters initiative group in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 25/146 - on making amendment in the composition of Garadagh-Banagadi-Yasamal constituency election commission #12
Decision 25/145 - on temporary termination of authorities of Zakir Maharram oghlu Orujov, member of Gadabay Con.EC 103
Decision 25/144 - on the registration of Mr. Faraj Ibrahim oghlu Guliyev nominated by the National Revival Movement Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 25/143 - on the registration of Mr. Araz Mammad Mubariz oghlu alizade nominated by the Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 25/142 - on the refusal from the registration of the candidacy of Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 25/141 - on the registration of Mr. Hafiz Alamdar oghlu Hajiyev nominated by the Modern Musavat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 25/140 - on the registration of Mr. Gudrat Muzaffar oghlu Hasanguliyev nominated by the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 25/139 - on the approval of the session minute dated 9 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 24/138 - on the registration of authorized representatives of registered candidate to presidency Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 24/137 - on the registration of Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj nominated by his own initiative in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 24/136 - on the approval of the session minute dated 3 September 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 23/135 - on making amendment in the composition of Surakhani first constituency election commission #30
Decision 23/134 - on the text, format, number and rule for the preparation rules of ballot papers in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 23/133 - on the registration of Mr. Igbal Fehruz oghlu Agha-zade nominated by the Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 23/132 - on the approval of the session minute dated 31 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 22/131 - on the registration of authorized representatives of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 22/130 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representative and authorized representative on financial issues of Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 22/129 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Sardar Jalal oghlu Mammadov, nominated by the Azerbaijan Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 22/128 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Hidayat Ashraf oghlu Rustambayli nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 22/127 - on the registration of authorized representative of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Rauf Zakir oghlu Guliyev in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 22/126 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Rauf Zakir oghlu Guliyev nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 22/125 - on the approval of the session minute dated 27 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 21/124 - on making amendments to the Press Group under Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 21/123 - on the text, format, number and rule for the preparation of notifications on informing voters on the place and time of the voting
Decision 21/122 - on the registration of authorized representatives of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 21/121 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Jamil Poladkhan oghlu Hasanli, nominated by the
Decision 20/118 - on rejecting the approval of the candidacy of Rustem Mammad Ibrahimovich Ibrahimbeyov nominated by "Milli Shura" ("National Council") voters' initiative group in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 9 October 2013
Decision 20/117 - on the registration of authorized representative of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Ilgar Eldar oghlu Mammadov in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 20/116 - on the approval of candidacy of İlgar Eldar oghlu Mammadov nominated on his own initiative in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 9 October 2013
Decision 20/115 - on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Aydin Boyukkishi oghlu Mirzazade, Deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a member with consultative right appointed by New Azerbaijan Party, the candidate of which has been registered, as the member with consultative right at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 2013
Decision 19/113 - on the registration of Mr. Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev nominated by the New Azerbaijan Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 18/111 - on the prolong of the period for considering the appeal 1305 dated 19 August 2013 submitted to Central Election Commission related to the verification of the candidate nomination in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 9 October 2013
Qərar 18/110 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representative and authorized representative on financial issues of Adalet (Justice) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 18/109 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ilyas Abbas oghlu Ismayilov, nominated by the Adalet (Justice) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 17/106 - of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the rule of preparation and number of voting results final protocols of election commissions in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to 9 October 2013
Decision 17/105 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Citizen and Development Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 17/104 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Gudrat Isag oghlu Isagov nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 17/103 -the approval of the session minute dated 20 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 16/103 -on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 16/101 -the approval of candidacy of Mr. Elshan Shirzad oghlu Hasanov nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 16/100 -the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ismayil Sadulla oghlu Yusifov nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 16/99 -the approval of the session minute dated 17 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 15/98 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives of verified candidate to presidency Mr. Ilgar Ali oghlu Mammadov in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 15/97 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Arastun Mammad oghlu Orujlu nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 15/96 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the National Revival Movement Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 15/95 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Faraj Ibrahim oghlu Guliyev, nominated by the National Revival Movement Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 15/94 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 15/93 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Modern Musavat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 15/92 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Hafiz Alamdar oghlu Hajiyev, nominated by the Modern Musavat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 15/91 - he approval of the session minute dated 16 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 14/90 - on making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 14/89 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 14/88 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Gudrat Muzaffar oghlu Hasanguliyev, nominated by the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 14/87 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 14/86 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Araz Mammad Mubariz oghlu Alizade, nominated by the Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 14/85 - the approval of the session minutes dated 13 august and 14 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 13/84 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Citizen and Development Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 13/83 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ali Nadir oghlu Aliyev, nominated by the Citizen and Development Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 13/82 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Liberal Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 13/81 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Fuad Agasi oghlu Aliyev, nominated by the Azerbaijan Liberal Democrat Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 12/80 - on making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 12/79 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 12/78 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Igbal Fehruz oghlu Aga-zade, nominated by the Azerbaijan Umid (Hope) Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 12/77 - the approval of the session minute dated 12 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 11/76 - the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ilgar Ali oghlu Mammadov nominated on his own initiative by Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 11/75 - on making changes in boundaries, dislocations and graphic descriptions of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 11/74 - the approval of the session minute dated 11 august 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decision 10/73 - making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 10/72 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Freedom Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 10/71 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ahmad Abdul oghlu Orujov, nominated by the Freedom Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 10/70 - of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval of the session minutes dated 26 july, 2 august and 10 august 2013
Decision 9/69 - on the registration of the following persons as authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of New Azerbaijan Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 9/68 - on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev, nominated by the New Azerbaijan Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 9, 2013
Decision 8/67 - on the establishment of the Working Group and assignment of its leader under the Central Election Commission in Elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to 9 October 2013
Decision 8/66 - on the establishment of Expert Group under the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the aim of investigating the complaints and decisions of the actions (inactions) violating citizens" electoral rights in Elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to 9 October 2013
Decision 8/65 - on the approval of "Calendar Plan for basic activities and measures for the preparation and conduct of Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on October 9, 2013"
Decision 8/64 - on the declaration of the Presidential Elections Day to October 9, 2013 in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision 7/63 - On making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 7/62 - On organization of 10 days professional courses on electoral rights for chairpersons of precinct Election Commissions, chairpersons and other members of Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 7/61 - On The Approval Of The Session Minutes Dated 5 June And 18 June 2013 Of The Central Election Commission
Decision 6/60 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the rules for filing appeals and complaints on the violation of election rights to the Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commissions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and their consideration"
Decision 6/59 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the status of the agents in elections (Referendum) of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/58 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the status of the authorized representatives of the candidate, political parties, political party blocs and Referendum campaign groups in elections (Referendum) of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/57 - On making amendments to the "regulation on secretariat of Constituency Election Commissions"
Decision 6/56 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the arrangement of Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan outside the boundaries of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/55 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the rules for the conduct of pre-election campaign via mass media in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/54 - On making amendments to the "rules for checking the accuracy of the information included in the signature sheets and documents submitted by candidates, political parties, political party blocs in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/53 - On making amendments to the "instruction on the rules for collecting voters' signatures in support of the candidate to presidency and submitting them to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan and candidates' registration in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/52 - On making amendments to the "rules for issuing signature sheets in support of signature collection in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/51 - On the approval of the comment "on the rules for early voting of voters"
Decision 6/50 - On The Approval Of "Instruction On Organization Of Elections In Ships That Navigate Under The State Flag Of The Azerbaijan Republic
Decision 6/49 - On the approval of "instruction on the participation of military servants in elections (Referendum)"
Decision 6/48 - On the approval of "instruction on participation of stateless persons and foreigners in elections (Referendum)"
Decision 6/47 - On the approval of "list of id documents used on the voting day in elections (Referendum) in the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/46 - On the approval of "regulations of Precinct Election Commissions"
Decision 6/45 - On the approval of "regulations of Constituency Election Commission"
Decision 6/44 - On the approval of "instruction on the rule for completing final protocol of the constituency election commission on the voting results in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/43 - On the approval of "comment on the rules for completing final protocol of precinct election commission on the voting results during the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/42 - On the approval of "rules for submitting information on the amount and source of income, property of the candidate to the presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/41 - On the approval of "instruction on the rules for return of the funding remained in the election funds, free air time and reimbursement of the publication space in periodicals in Presidential Elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/40 - On the approval of "instruction on the rules for the distribution of financial funds allocated by the state budget among Election Commissions for the preparation and conduct of
Decision 6/39 - On the approval of "instruction on the rules for receipt of monetary resources to election funds, conducting of records of expenses and reporting rules
Decision 6/38 - On the approval of "instruction on rules for opening specific election accounts in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/37 - On the approval of "Instruction on the rules for the nomination of candidates by political parties and political party blocs in Presidental Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 6/36 - On the approval of "Instruction on nominating candidacy on their own initiatives of cotozens, the establishment of voters initiative groups and rules"
Decision 5/35 - On making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 5/34 - On the approval of "Instruction on the usage of the state computerized information system during Elections (Referendum)"
Decision 5/33 - On the approval of "Regulation on the Press Group formed under the Cenrtal Election Commission to control the observance of the rules
Decision 5/32 - On the approval of "Rules for the Accreditation of the organizations conducting "Exit-Poll" in Elections of the Republic of Azerbaija"
Decision 5/31 - On the approval of "Rules on omstallation and use of web cameras in Election Precincts"
Decision 5/30 - On the approval of "Instruction on the rules for the preparation and submission of ballot papers (ballot papers on Referenda), voting protocols of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions"
Decision 5/29 - The approval of "Instuction on the rules of issuance of de-registration (voting) cards for voting in Presidental Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Decision 5/28 - On the approval of "Rules for the distribution (deliverance) of notifications on time and place of the voting to citizens in Elections (Referendum) conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan "
Decision 5/27 - On the approval of "Regulation for the working group establishedfor checking the accuracy of the information in the signature sheets and other election documents submitted to Election Commissions"
Decision 5/26 - On the approval of "Instruction on rules for providing members of Constituency and precinct Election Commissions with salary"
Decision 5/25 - On the approval of "Regulation on the control-inspection service under Constituency Election Commissions"
Decision 5/24 - On the approval of "Regulation on the control-inspection service under cenrtal Election Commission"
Decision 5/23 - On the approval of "Instruction on the rules for conduct of first meeting of Constituenct and Precinct Election Commission"
Decision 5/22 - On the approval of "Instruction on the rules for the establishment of Precinct Election Commissions"
Decison 5/21 - On the approval of "Instruction on the rules for the Establishment of Constituency Election Commissions"
Decison 5/20 - On the approval of the session minute dated 29 may 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decison 4/19 - On making amendments to the sctructure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decison 4/18 - On re-compile, approval and publicize of 2013 permanent voters list in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decison 4/17 - The approval of the session minute dated 11 aprel 2013 of the Central Election Commission
Decison 3/16 - On making amendents to the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decison 3/15 - On making amendents to some normative acts
Decision 3/14 - On making amendments to instruction "on the rules for return of fundung entered election funds in Municipal Elections"
Decision 3/13 - Of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on making amendments to instruction
Decision 3/12 - Of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on making amendments to decision 16/61 dated 3 august 2010
Decision 3/11 - Of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on execution of normative legal acts causing necessity for amending scheme, graphic description and borders of election constituencies conforming requirements on
Decision 3/10 - Of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval
Decision 2/9 - On making amendments to the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 2/6 - On making amendments to instruction "On using state automated information system in elections(Referendum)"
Decision 2/5 - On making amendments to some normative acts
Decision 2/4 - On making amendments in the names and territories of Khazar first Con.EC 13 and Khazar second Con.EC 14
Decision 2/3 - On the approval of the session minute dated 18 february 2012
Decision 1/2 - On making amendments in the structure of some Constituency Election Commissions
Decision 1/1 - On the approval of the session minute dated 27 december 2012
For voter list: (+994 12) 562-82-40 For legal issues: (+994 12) 563-61-86
Baku - Azerbaijan AZ 1115, 7 S.S. Akhundov
E-mail: Tel: (994 12) 562-22-64 Fax: (994 12) 562-70-09
All rights reserved © Central Election Commission 2025