
Decision 5/20 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 5/19 - on re-approval of the structure and staff units of the Secretariat of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 5/18 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated 4 August, 2022

Decision 4/17 - on making amendments to "Regulation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

Decision 4/16 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 4/15 - on re-formation of Supervision-inspection service of the Central Election Commission

Decision 4/14 - on making amendments to some legal acts of the Central Election Commission

Decision 4/13 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated 26 July, 2022

Decision 3/12 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 3/11 - on re-formation of Commission on de-limitation of election constituencies

Decision 3/10 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated 27 May, 2022

Decision 2/9 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 2/8 - on making amendments to some legal acts of the Central Election Commission

Decision 2/7 - on the compilation, update, verification and publication of permanent voters' lists of 2022 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 2/6 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated 17 March, 2022

Decision 1/5 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 1/4 - on making amendments to the "Rules for the installation and usage of webcams in polling stations"

Decision 1/3 - on the approval of the document samples considered in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the rule for the exercise of the right to legislative initiative by the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

Decision 1/2 - on the termination of the deputy authorities of Mr. Shahin Kamil Seyidzadeh, deputy of the sixth call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 1/1 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated 3 September, 2021